Mission of the Goessel Church

The purpose of the Goessel Church is to “Develop Fully Committed Followers to the Lord Jesus Christ” who is the gospel {good news} of the living God.

This purpose is made a reality by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, realizing the Father’s great love for us.  The Bible clearly states that God loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die on the Cross for our salvation {John 3:14-16}.

This great salvation is God’s gift to all and is experienced by any who will accept this salvation {Eph. 2:8-9} through Jesus Christ. 

Therefore, we at the Goessel Church seek to grow in and live in the greatness of this salvation and to share it with all who will listen {Acts 1:8}.  And those who will receive God’s {free} gift offered to them through Jesus Christ, our intent is to instruct them in all the ways of God and His love for us, that they too can live in all the greatness of this salvation and share it with others {Mt. 28:18-20}.